Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The fourier transform reconstructor converts slopes (x and y slope grids) to
phase values. The reconstruction works using the fourier transform of the x
and y slopes, and applying a filter, which accounts for the way in which those
slopes map to phase.

The concept for the reconstructor, and the filters documented here, are taken
from Lisa Poyneer's 2007 dissertaiton.


from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

# Python Imports
import abc
import six
import collections

# Scientific Python Imports
import numpy as np
    import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
except ImportError:
    import numpy.fft as fftpack

from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

# Local imports
from .base import Reconstructor
from .libftr._ftr import CFTRBase
from .utils import (complexmp, ignoredivide, remove_piston, remove_tiptilt, 
    fftgrid, shapegrid, shapestr, apply_tiptilt)

__all__ = ['FTRFilter', 'FourierTransformReconstructor', 'FastFTReconstructor', 'mod_hud_filter', 'fried_filter', 'ideal_filter', 'inplace_filter', 'hud_filter']

FTRFilter = collections.namedtuple("FTRFilter", ["gx", "gy", "name"])
if six.PY3:
    FTRFilter.__doc__ = """

    Tuple collection of filter values.

[docs]class FourierTransformReconstructor(Reconstructor): """A reconstructor which uses the fourier transform to turn slopes into an estiate of the wavefront phase. Parameters ---------- ap: array_like The aperture of valid measurement points, which also defines the reconstructor shape used to generate filters. filter: string_like, optional The filter name to use. If not provided, it is expected that the user will initialize :attr:`gx` and :attr:`gy` themselves. manage_tt: bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes before reconstruction, and re-apply them after reconstruction. (default is to use ``suppress_tt``) suppress_tt: bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes, and don't re-apply after reconstruction. (default is False) Notes ----- The Fourier Transform Reconstructor implements the reconstruction scheme described in chapter 2 of Lisa Poyneer's dissertation. [1]_ The implementation of the Fourier Transform Reconstructor depends on a pair of spatial filters (x and y) which relate the specific geometry of the wavefront sensor to the phase estimation points. Common spatial filters are the "modified Hudgins" filter, ``mod_hud``, and the Fried geometry ``fried``. Additional named filters can be registered with this class using :meth:`~FourierTransformReconstructor.register`, or an entirely custom filter can be used by modifying the :attr:`gx` and :attr:`gy` attributes. References ---------- .. [1] Poyneer, L. A. Signal processing for high-precision wavefront control in adaptive optics. (Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of California, 2007). Examples -------- Creating a generic reconstructor will result in an uninitialized filter:: >>> import numpy as np >>> aperture = np.ones((10,10)) >>> recon = FourierTransformReconstructor(aperture) >>> recon <FourierTransformReconstructor (10x10) filter='Unknown'> You can create a reconstructor with a named filter:: >>> import numpy as np >>> aperture = np.ones((10,10)) >>> recon = FourierTransformReconstructor(aperture, "fried") >>> recon <FourierTransformReconstructor (10x10) filter='fried'> >>> ys, xs = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), np.arange(10)) >>> recon(xs, ys) array([...]) """ _gx = None _gy = None _n = 0 _dzero = None _filtername = "UNDEFINED" _denominator = None def __repr__(self): """Represent this object.""" return "<{0} {1} filter='{2}'{3}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, shapestr(self.shape),, "" if self.tt_mode == "unmanaged" else " tt='{0}'".format(self.tt_mode)) def __init__(self, ap, filter=None, manage_tt=None, suppress_tt=False): super(FourierTransformReconstructor, self).__init__() ap = np.asarray(ap, dtype=np.bool) self._shape = ap.shape self.ap = ap self._filtername = "Unknown" if filter is not None: self.use(six.text_type(filter)) self.suppress_tt = bool(suppress_tt) if manage_tt is None: self.manage_tt = bool(suppress_tt) self.suppress_tt = bool(suppress_tt) else: self.manage_tt = bool(manage_tt) if suppress_tt and not self.manage_tt: raise TypeError("{0:s}: Can't specify manage_tt=False and " "suppress_tt=True, as tip/tilt will not be suppressed when " "tip-tilt isn't removed from the slopes initially.") self.suppress_tt = False self.y, self.x = shapegrid(self.shape) @property def name(self): """Filter name""" return self._filtername @name.setter def name(self, value): """Set the filter name.""" if value in self._REGISTRY: self.use(value) else: self._filtername = value @property def filter(self): """The filter components, as a :class:`FTRFilter` tuple.""" return FTRFilter(self.gx,, @property def shape(self): """Shape of the reconstructed grid.""" return self._shape @property def gx(self): """The x spatial filter. :math:`G_{wx}` in the equation implemented in :meth:`apply_filter`. """ return self._gx @gx.setter def gx(self, gx): """Set the x filter""" self._gx = self._validate_filter(gx) self._denominator = None @property def gy(self): """The y filter. :math:`G_{wy}` in the equation implemented in :meth:`apply_filter`. """ return self._gy @gy.setter def gy(self, gy): """Set and validate the y filter""" self._gy = self._validate_filter(gy) self._denominator = None @property def ap(self): """The aperture, a boolean numpy array. The aperture is used to compute tip and tilt removal from the Fourier Transform Reconstructor. """ return self._ap @ap.setter def ap(self, value): """Validate aperture.""" ap = np.asarray(value).astype(np.bool) if ap.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError("Aperture should be same shape as input data. Found {0!r}, expected {1!r}.".format(ap.shape, self.shape)) if not ap.any(): raise ValueError("Aperture must be illuminated somewhere!") self._ap = ap @property def tt_mode(self): """Tip/tilt management mode. Returns a string representation of the tip/tilt management mode, useful for the representation of this object. """ if not self.manage_tt: return "unmanaged" elif self.manage_tt and not self.suppress_tt: return "managed" elif self.manage_tt and self.suppress_tt: return "suppressed" def _validate_filter(self, _filter): """Ensure that a filter is the correct shape. This method checks the shape and that the filter is all finite. :param _filter: The filter array to check. :returns: The filter, correctly typed and checked for consistency. """ gf = np.asarray(_filter).astype(np.complex) if gf.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError("Filter should be same shape as input data. Found {0!r}, expected {1!r}.".format(gf.shape, self.shape)) if not np.isfinite(gf).all(): raise ValueError("Filter must be finite at all points!") return gf @property def denominator(self): """Filter denominator This term normalizes for the magnitude of the individual spatial filters. It is recomputed whenever the filters change, but it is otherwise computed only once for each set of filters. The equation used is .. math:: |G_{wx}|^{2} + |G_{wy}|^2 """ if self._denominator is not None: return self._denominator self._denominator = (np.abs(self.gx)**2.0 + np.abs(**2.0) self._denominator[(self._denominator == 0.0)] = 1.0 #Fix non-hermitian parts. return self._denominator
[docs] def apply_filter(self, xs_ft, ys_ft): r"""Apply the filter to the FFT'd values. Parameters ---------- xs_ft : array_like The fourier transform of the x slopes ys_ft : array_like The fourier transform of the y slopes Returns ------- est_ft : array_like The fourier transform of the phase estimate. Notes ----- This implements the equation .. math:: \hat{\Phi} = \frac{G_{wx}^{*} X + G_{wy}^{*} Y}{|G_{wx}|^{2} + |G_{wy}|^2} """ return ((np.conj(self.gx) * xs_ft + np.conj( * ys_ft) / self.denominator)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, xs, ys, manage_tt=False, suppress_tt=False): """Use the Fourier transform and spatial filters to reconstruct an estimate of the phase. Instead of using this method directly, call the instnace itself to ensure that settings are correctly obeyed. Parameters ---------- xs : array_like The x slopes ys : array_like The y slopes manage_tt : bool Whether to remove the tip/tilt from the slopes before reconstruction suppress_tt : bool If set, do not re-apply the tip tilt after reconstruction. Returns ------- estimate : array_like An estimate of the phase across all the points where x and y slopes were measured. Notes ----- This method serves as the implementation for :meth:`__call__`. """ if manage_tt: xs, xt = remove_piston(self.ap, xs) ys, yt = remove_piston(self.ap, ys) xs_ft = fftpack.fftn(xs) ys_ft = fftpack.fftn(ys) # There is a factor of two here. This is applied because the normalization of the FFT in IDL is different from the one used here. See FFTNormalization.rst est_ft = self.apply_filter(xs_ft, ys_ft) * 2.0 estimate = np.real(fftpack.ifftn(est_ft)) if manage_tt and not suppress_tt: estimate = apply_tiptilt(self.ap, estimate, xt, yt) return estimate
def __call__(self, xs, ys): """Perform the reconstruction. Parameters ---------- xs : array_like The x slopes ys : array_like The y slopes Returns ------- estimate : array_like An estimate of the phase across all the points where x and y slopes were measured. """ return self.reconstruct(xs, ys, manage_tt=self.manage_tt, suppress_tt=self.suppress_tt) def invert(self, estimate): """Invert the estimate to produce slopes. Parameters ---------- estimate : array_like Phase estimate to invert. Returns ------- xs : array_like Estimate of the x slopes. ys : array_like Estimate of the y slopes. """ if self.manage_tt: estimate, ttx, tty = remove_tiptilt(self.ap, estimate) est_ft = fftpack.fftn(estimate) / 2.0 xs_ft = self.gx * est_ft ys_ft = * est_ft xs = np.real(fftpack.ifftn(xs_ft)) ys = np.real(fftpack.ifftn(ys_ft)) if self.manage_tt and not self.suppress_tt: xs += ttx ys += tty return (xs, ys) _REGISTRY = {} @classmethod
[docs] def register(cls, name, filter=None): """Register a filter generating function. This classmethod can be used as a decorator. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the filter to register filter : callable A callable which will return an :class:`FTRFilter`-compatible tuple when provided with the desired shape of the filter. Notes ----- To use this method as a decorator, simply provide the filter name:: @FourierTransformReconstructor.register("myfilter") def my_filter_function(shape): ... return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "myfilter") """ def _register(filterfunc): """Filter Function""" cls._REGISTRY[name] = filterfunc return filterfunc if six.callable(name): filterfunc = name cls._REGISTRY[filterfunc.__name__] = filterfunc return filterfunc elif isinstance(name, six.text_type) and filter is None: return _register elif isinstance(name, six.text_type) and six.callable(filter): return _register(filterfunc) else: raise TypeError("Filter must be a callable, or a name, and used as a decorator.")
[docs] def use(self, filter): """Use a particular spatial filter for reconstruction. Parameters ---------- filter : str The filter name, as it was registered with :meth:`register` Examples -------- You can create a reconstructor with one filter:: >>> import numpy as np >>> aperture = np.ones((10,10)) >>> recon = FourierTransformReconstructor(aperture, "fried") >>> recon <FourierTransformReconstructor (10x10) filter='fried'> >>> recon.use("mod_hud") >>> recon <FourierTransformReconstructor (10x10) filter='mod_hud'> """ self.gx,, self._filtername = self.get(filter, self.shape)
[docs] def get(cls, filter, shape): """Get a filter tuple by name from the filter registry. Parameters ---------- filter : str The filter name, as it was registered with :meth:`register` shape : tuple of ints The shape of the desired filter. Returns ------- gx : array_like The x spatial filter gy : array_like The y spatial filter name : str The filter name """ return cls._REGISTRY[filter](shape)
[docs] def filters(cls): """Return the list of registered filter names.""" return cls._REGISTRY.keys()
[docs]class FastFTReconstructor(CFTRBase, FourierTransformReconstructor): """A fourier transform reconstructor which implements the reconstruct method using :ref:`libftr`. Parameters ---------- ap: array_like The aperture of valid measurement points, which also defines the reconstructor shape used to generate filters. filter: string_like, optional The filter name to use. If not provided, it is expected that the user will initialize :attr:`gx` and :attr:`gy` themselves. manage_tt: bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes before reconstruction, and re-apply them after reconstruction. (default is to use ``suppress_tt``) suppress_tt: bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes, and don't re-apply after reconstruction. (default is False) Notes ----- The Fourier transforms used in this reconstructor are handled by FFTW <>, the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. FFTW gains much of its speed by operating in-place, and performing as many optimization tricks as it knows how. When benchmarked against the pure-python implementaion above, this implementation should be almost an order of magnitude faster. See Also -------- :class:`FourierTransformReconstructor` """ _denominator = None
[docs] def reconstruct(self, xs, ys): """Reconstruct slopes to phase. Parameters ---------- xs : array_like The x slopes ys : array_like The y slopes Returns ------- estimate : array_like An estimate of the phase from the slopes. """ if self.manage_tt: xs, xt = remove_piston(self.ap, xs) ys, yt = remove_piston(self.ap, ys) estimate = super(FastFTReconstructor, self).reconstruct(xs, ys) if self.manage_tt and not self.suppress_tt: estimate = apply_tiptilt(self.ap, estimate, xt, yt) return estimate
[docs]def hud_filter(shape): """Hudgins shearing interferometer. In this geometry the WFS produces measurements which are the differences in phase values between two points. This corresponds to wavefront sensors centered between each pair of points.""" fy, fx = fftgrid(shape) ny, nx = shape gx = np.exp(1j * fx) - 1.0 gy = np.exp(1j * fy) - 1.0 #TODO: Check that this nyquist nulling is correct. # gx[:,nx/2] = 0.0 # gy[ny/2,:] = 0.0 #TODO: Check for other null points in the filter. return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "hud")
[docs]def mod_hud_filter(shape): """The modified hudgins filter is a geomoetry similar to a Fried geometry, but where the slope measurements, rather than being the difference between two adjacent points, the slope is taken to be the real slope at the point in the center of four phase measurement points.""" fy, fx = fftgrid(shape) ny, nx = shape gx = np.exp(1j*fy/2)*(np.exp(1j*fx) - 1) gy = np.exp(1j*fx/2)*(np.exp(1j*fy) - 1) gx[ny/2,:] = 0.0 gy[:,nx/2] = 0.0 return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "mod_hud")
[docs]def fried_filter(shape): """The fried filter is for a system geometry where the slope measruement points are taken to be the difference between two adjacent points. As such, the slopes are reconstructed to be the phase points 1/2 a subaperture away from the measured point. In this scheme, the slope measruement in the center of four phase measurement points is taken (in the x-direction) to be the average of the x slope between the top measruements and the x slope between the bottom measurement.""" fy, fx = fftgrid(shape) ny, nx = shape gx = (np.exp(1j*fy) + 1)*(np.exp(1j*fx) - 1) gy = (np.exp(1j*fx) + 1)*(np.exp(1j*fy) - 1) gx[ny//2,:] = 0.0 gy[:,nx//2] = 0.0 return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "fried") # @FourierTransformReconstructor.register("ideal")
[docs]def ideal_filter(shape): """An Ideal filter represents a phase where the slope measurements are taken to be a continuous sampling of the phase between phase measurement points. """ fy, fx = fftgrid(shape) ny, nx = shape with ignoredivide(): gx = ( 1/fy * ( (np.cos(fy) - 1) * np.sin(fx) + (np.cos(fx) - 1) * np.sin(fy) ) + 1j/fy * ( (np.cos(fx) - 1) * (np.cos(fy) - 1) - np.sin(fx) * np.sin(fy) ) ) gy = ( 1/fx * ( (np.cos(fx) - 1) * np.sin(fy) + (np.cos(fy) - 1) * np.sin(fx) ) + 1j/fx * ( (np.cos(fy) - 1) * (np.cos(fx) - 1) - np.sin(fy) * np.sin(fx) ) ) # Exclude division by zero! gx[0,:] = 0 gy[:,0] = 0 # the filter is anti-Hermitian here. The real_part takes care # of it, but simpler to just zero it out. gx[ny//2,:] = 0.0 gy[:,nx//2] = 0.0 return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "ideal")
[docs]def inplace_filter(shape): """This filter modifies the 'fried' filter so that it reconstructs to the in-place positions of the slopes.""" fy, fx = fftgrid(shape) xshift, yshift = (-0.5, -0.5) gx, gy, name = fried_filter(shape) gx *= complexmp(1.0, fx * xshift) * complexmp(1.0, fy * yshift) gy *= complexmp(1.0, fx * xshift) * complexmp(1.0, fy * yshift) return FTRFilter(gx, gy, "inplace")