Source code for FTR.slopemanage

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import numpy as np
import warnings

from .ftr import FourierTransformReconstructor
from .libftr._slopemanage import SlopeManager, slope_management_fast
from .utils import remove_piston, apply_tiptilt

__all__ = ['SlopeManagedFTR', 'slope_management', 'edge_extend']

[docs]class SlopeManagedFTR(FourierTransformReconstructor): """An FTR Reconstructor with slope management to remove the effects of finite apertures. This class is a direct subclass of :class:``, see that class for detailed method documentation. Parameters ---------- ap : array_like The aperture of valid measurement points, which also defines the reconstructor shape used to generate filters. filter : string_like, optional The filter name to use. If not provided, it is expected that the user will initialize :attr:`gx` and :attr:`gy` themselves. manage_tt : bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes before reconstruction, and re-apply them after reconstruction. (default is to use ``suppress_tt``) suppress_tt : bool, optional Remove tip and tilt from slopes, and don't re-apply after reconstruction. (default is False) extend : bool, optional Use the "edge extension" method rather than the "slope management" method. The "slope management" method was shown by Poyneer [1]_ to have better error properties. Notes ----- The Fourier transform reconstructor is described in the documentation for :class:``, which implements the pure Fourier transform reconstructor. This subclass implements methods to correct for finite aperture effects in the Fourier transform. References ---------- .. [1] Poyneer, L. A. Signal processing for high-precision wavefront control in adaptive optics. (Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of California, 2007). Examples -------- Creating a generic reconstructor will result in an uninitialized filter:: >>> import numpy as np >>> aperture = np.zeros((10,10), dtype=np.bool) >>> aperture[1:-2,1:-2] = True >>> recon = SlopeManagedFTR(aperture) >>> recon <SlopeManagedFTR (10x10) filter='Unknown'> You can create a reconstructor with a named filter:: >>> import numpy as np >>> aperture = np.zeros((10,10), dtype=np.bool) >>> aperture[1:-2,1:-2] = True >>> recon = SlopeManagedFTR(aperture, "fried") >>> recon <SlopeManagedFTR (10x10) filter='fried'> >>> ys, xs = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), np.arange(10)) >>> recon(xs, ys) array([...]) """ _ap = None def __init__(self, ap, filter=None, manage_tt=None, suppress_tt=None, extend=False): super(SlopeManagedFTR, self).__init__(ap=ap, filter=filter, manage_tt=manage_tt, suppress_tt=suppress_tt) self.extend = bool(extend)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, xs, ys, manage_tt=False, suppress_tt=False, extend=None): """Use the Fourier transform and spatial filters to reconstruct an estimate of the phase. Instead of using this method directly, call the instnace itself to ensure that settings are correctly obeyed. Parameters ---------- xs : array_like The x slopes ys : array_like The y slopes manage_tt : bool Whether to remove the tip/tilt from the slopes before reconstruction suppress_tt : bool If set, do not re-apply the tip tilt after reconstruction. Returns ------- estimate : array_like An estimate of the phase across all the points where x and y slopes were measured. Notes ----- This method serves as the implementation for :meth:`__call__`. """ if manage_tt: xs, xt = remove_piston(self.ap, xs) ys, yt = remove_piston(self.ap, ys) extend = extend if extend is not None else self.extend if extend: xs, ys = edge_extend(self.ap, xs, ys) else: xs, ys = _slope_management(self.ap, xs, ys) estimate = super(SlopeManagedFTR, self).reconstruct(xs, ys, manage_tt=False, suppress_tt=False) if manage_tt and not suppress_tt: estimate = apply_tiptilt(self.ap, estimate, xt, yt) return estimate
def _check_slopeargs(ap, xs, ys): """Check arguments to the slope management function, and prepare them.""" ap = np.array(ap, xs = np.array(xs, dtype=np.float) ys = np.array(ys, dtype=np.float) if not (xs.ndim == 2 and xs.shape[0] == xs.shape[1]): raise ValueError("slopemanage requires a square input slope array. xs.shape={0!r}".format(xs.shape)) if not (xs.shape == ys.shape): raise ValueError("slopemanage requires the xs and ys to have the same shape. xs{0!r} != ys{1!r}".format(xs.shape, ys.shape)) if not (ap.shape == xs.shape): raise ValueError("slopemanage requires the aperture to have the same shape as xs and ys. xs{0!r} != ap{1!r}".format(xs.shape, ap.shape)) for name, data in zip("ap xs ys".split(),[ap, xs, ys]): if not np.isfinite(data).all(): raise ValueError("slopemanage requires that {0} be finite.".format(name)) return (ap, xs, ys)
[docs]def slope_management(ap, xs, ys): """ Slope management for the fast fourier transform. The slopes must be within an aperture that has space on the edges for correction. Parameters ---------- ap : array_like, boolean The illuminated aperture of valid subapertures. xs : array_like The x slopes ys : array_like The y slopes Returns ------- xs_managed : array_like The x slopes with the periodicity management applied. ys_managed : array_like The y slopes with the periodicity management applied. Raises ------ ValueError : Raised when the slopes grid is not adaquate for slope management. """ return _slope_management(*_check_slopeargs(ap, xs, ys))
def _slope_management(ap, xs, ys): """This method implements :func:`slope_management`, but without argument checking, useful for the reconstructor.""" n = xs.shape[0] xs_s = xs * ap ys_s = ys * ap xs_c = np.copy(xs_s) ys_c = np.copy(ys_s) ysr_sum = np.sum(ys_s, axis=0) apr_sum = np.sum(ap, axis=0) xsc_sum = np.sum(xs_s, axis=1) apc_sum = np.sum(ap, axis=1) for j in range(n): if apr_sum[j] != 0: loc = np.flatnonzero(ap[:,j] != 0) left = loc[0] right = loc[-1] if left == 0: raise ValueError("Not enough space to edge correct, row {j} starts at k={k}".format(j=j, k=0)) if right == (n-1): raise ValueError("Not enough space to edge correct, row {j} ends at k={k}".format(j=j, k=n)) ys_c[left-1, j] = -0.5 * ysr_sum[j] ys_c[right+1, j] = -0.5 * ysr_sum[j] if apc_sum[j] != 0: loc = np.flatnonzero(ap[j,:] != 0) bottom = loc[0] top = loc[-1] if bottom == 0: raise ValueError("Not enough space to edge correct, column {j} starts at k={k}".format(j=j, k=0)) if top == (n - 1): raise ValueError("Not enough space to edge correct, column {j} ends at k={k}".format(j=j, k=n)) xs_c[j, bottom-1] = -0.5 * xsc_sum[j] xs_c[j, top+1] = -0.5 * xsc_sum[j] return (xs_c, ys_c)
[docs]def edge_extend(ap, xs, ys): """ Edge Extension for the fast fourier transform. :param ap: The aperture, as a boolean mask. :param xs: The x slopes. :param ys: The y slopes. """ warnings.warn("Edge Extend is broken right now! Don't trust it!") ap, xs, ys = _check_slopeargs(ap, xs, ys) n = ap.shape[0] xs_ap = ap.copy() ys_ap = ap.copy() xs_sap = np.roll(ap, 0, -1) ys_sap = np.roll(ap, -1, 0) loop = xs_ap + ys_ap + xs_sap + ys_sap for k in range(n): for l in range(n): if loop[k,l] == 3: flag = 0 total = 0 for flval, arr in enumerate([xs_ap, xs_sap, ys_ap, ys_sap]): if arr[k,l] == 0: flag = flval + 1 if flag != 1: total = total + xs[k,l] if flag != 2: total = total - xs[k,l+1] if flag != 3: total = total - ys[k,l] if flag != 4: total = total + ys[k+1,l] if flag == 1: xs[k,l] = -total xs_ap[k,l] = 1 elif flag == 2: xs[k,l+1] = total xs_ap[k,l+1] = 1 elif flag == 3: ys[k,l] = total ys_ap[k,l] = 1 elif flag == 4: ys[k+1,l] = -total ys_ap[k+1, l] = 1 xout = ~xs_ap.astype(np.bool) yout = ~ys_ap.astype(np.bool) xtop0 = xs_ap.copy() yleft0 = ys_ap.copy() xbot0 = xs_ap.copy() yright0 = ys_ap.copy() xtop = np.zeros_like(ap) yleft = np.zeros_like(ap) xbot = np.zeros_like(ap) yright = np.zeros_like(ap) for k in range(n): found1 = 0 found2 = 0 found3 = 0 found4 = 0 for l in range(n): l2 = n-1-l if found1 == 0: if xtop0[k,l] == 1: xtop[k,l] == 1 found1 = 1 if found2 == 0: if xbot0[k, l2] == 1: xbot[k, l2] == 1 found2 = 1 if found3 == 0: if yleft0[l, k] == 0: yleft[l, k] = 1 found3 = 1 if found4 == 0: if yright0[l2, k] == 0: yright[l2, k] = 1 found4 = 1 for k in range(n): toploc = np.nonzero(xtop[k, :] == 1)[0] if len(toploc) == 1: val = xs[k, toploc[0]] for l in range(toploc[0]): xs[k, l] = val xs_ap[k, l] = 1 botloc = np.nonzero(xbot[k, :] == 1)[0] if len(botloc) == 1: val = xs[k, botloc[0]] for l in range(botloc[0]+1, n): xs[k, l] = val xs_ap[k, l] = 1 leftloc = np.nonzero(yleft[:,k] == 1)[0] if len(leftloc) == 1: val = ys[leftloc[0], k] for l in range(leftloc[0]): ys[l, k] = val ys_ap[l, k] = 1 rightloc = np.nonzero(yright[:,k] == 1)[0] if len(rightloc) == 1: val = ys[rightloc[0], k] for l in range(rightloc[0] + 1, n): ys[l, k] = val ys_ap[l, k] = 1 for k in range(n): xs[n-1, k] = - xs[0:n-1, k].sum() ys[k, n-1] = - ys[k, 0:n-1].sum() return (xs, ys)